Wisdom Tooth Diet

Everybody knows getting your wisdom tooth out is no fun business. 25df74a8f88efa34b6f6bb4c7127951a

I got mine taken out last Monday & I definitely don’t want to do that ever again. I’m just really grateful for such a loving & caring hubby by my side. It made the experience more bearable knowing that I was taken care of. So, thank you so much honey 🙂


Another part of getting your wisdom tooth out is changing your diet to… soft foods. Yum yum?

Soft food1) Mashed Potatoes 2) Jello Pudding 3) Yogurt 4) Ramen Noodles 5) Crackers

All I can say is I cannot wait to eat Chinese food and have a piece of steak!

30 Day Challenge- Day 1

I am challenging myself to be physically active for 30 days. Each day, I will make it a goal to do something active at least for an hour whether it be Zumba, cycling, elliptical, or walking. It’s time to take care of my body!

Warm up/ Stretch

20 minute- Elliptical (increase resistance/ ramps slightly during work sets)

2-4 sets of 12-15 reps (rest 60 sec between sets):


Machine Bench Press

Seated Row


Shoulder Press

Lat Pull Down

Triceps Push down

Biceps Curl

Cool Down/ Stretch

Lemon Water

love lemon water.

In our casa, we started drinking more of lemon water due to its many benefits. I recommend you start it too! Here’s why:

  1. Cleanse your System: Purify your body by drinking lemon first thing in the morning & in the evening from any body impurities.
  2. Aid Digestion: Drink lemon water regularly to aid in cleansing of the bowels.
  3. Lose weight: Reduces hunger cravings.
Click here for more information: Livestrong, Cajunlicious

Remember to use fresh lemon fruit!

My Journey to a Healthy Lifestyle

Hello everyone!

These past couple of weeks, I’ve been feeling a little down because I realized my body is not on its highest potential anymore. A friend of mine told me, “If you want tomorrow to be better, you have to do something today”  So, today I will start my journey to a healthier lifestyle. I don’t want to go on a crash diet or go on a exercise overload. I want to figure out a healthy plan that I can do for the rest of my life, not just momentarily.

Agenda #1: I am giving up chocolate.  I just called my husband to tell him about this & he decided that he will give up soda. I’m so glad we’re in this together.

Agenda #2: I will not make any excuses to not workout. Come on Grace, 30- 60 minutes of sweat won’t kill you. YOU HAVE TIME, trust me. JUST DO IT!

Agenda #3: No eating 2-3 hours before bed. Go to bed hungry.

Agenda #4: Drink lots of water.

Tell me your healthy goals? Any food suggestions or workout routines?